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How Important is Data Journalism?

Data journalism is more important than ever, but what exactly is it and why has it risen to the top of newsrooms throughout the world? What is Data Journalism? Data journalism is a type of journalism in which reporters use enormous datasets to create stories. This reflects the increased relevance of numerical data in information generation and distribution, as well as the expanding link between journalists and professions such as design, computer science, and statistics. Data journalism helps to explain a complicated story by using infographics and data visualizations. Data is everywhere around us and can be expressed numerically. The terms "data" and "journalism" are both problematic. Some people define "data" as any collection of numbers, most commonly produced on a spreadsheet. Twenty years ago, that was pretty much the only type of data journalists worked with. However, we now live in a digital age when numbers can be employed to com

What is Literary Journalism and its Characteristics

Literary journalism is the creative nonfiction form most closely related to newspaper and magazine writing. It is fact-based and necessitates research and, in many cases, interviews. What is Literary Journalism? Literary journalism is a type of journalism that is generated with the help of a reporter's inner voice and a writing style based on literary skills. Literary journalists must be able to employ their entire literary arsenal, including epithets, impersonations, parallels, allegories, and so on. Thus, literary journalism is analogous to fiction. At the same time, it remains journalism, which is the polar opposite of fiction because it conveys a true tale. The journalist's role here is not simply to tell us about specific occurrences, but also to touch our emotions and investigate aspects that conventional journalism overlooks. Recognize Literary Journalism Literary journalism combines elements of literature and reportage to create something new. Accord

What is Broadcast Journalism and How Does It Work

Broadcast journalism is the field of news and journals that are "broadcast," that is, published via electrical technologies rather than traditional methods such as printed newspapers and posters. Broadcast methods include radio (through air, cable, and Internet), television (by air, cable, and Internet), and, more lately, the Internet in general. These types of media disseminate images (both static and moving), visual text, and/or audio. Scripts for public speaking tend to be written differently than those for public reading. For example, the former is often less complex and more conversational. Radio and television are intended to be seen and heard sooner and more frequently than a daily or weekly newspaper. Broadcast "story" (articles) can be written in "packages," "readers," "voice-overs" (VO), and "sound on tape" (SOT). A "sack" is a television term for an edited collection of video clips for a ne

What is Gonzo Journalism and How to Do It

Gonzo journalism is a unique type of reporting that relies on the reporter's own engagement in the topic. While traditional reporting relies on hard facts, gonzo journalism puts readers inside the writer's mind and feelings as the tale evolves. What Is Gonzo Journalism? Gonzo Journalism is a term one may have heard as a nod to the old journalistic style of counterculture. It is a type of journalism in which the author is the protagonist and the reporting on a story is done in the first person. The writer becomes a character in the story, depicting events via their own experiences and offering readers their version of the truth. Gonzo Journalism stories are frequently told via a societal and self-critical viewpoint, with little rewriting or editing. Because the personality of the piece and its subjective truth are more essential than the actual facts of the story in gonzo journalism, certain portions of the writing are frequently exaggerated or profane, while t

4 Important Purpose of Mass Communication

In today's world, mass communication is very important. Its existence is similar to the presence of air in the environment. We can't imagine living in a world without mass communication. The process of transmitting or sending information to a large group of individuals via numerous means is known as mass communication. Social media, advertising , public relations , newspapers , radio , television , and other forms of communication are examples of channels of communication. The purpose of mass communication is not only to communicate and provide information to users, but it also has other goals or objectives. The purpose of advertising is to use mass media to promote a specific message about a company's product or service. As a result, understanding the goal of mass media is essential for understanding the purpose of advertising. In general, mass media can be used to achieve four distinct goals. Purpose Of Mass Communication Inform First and foremost, one

Today’s Modern Theory on Mass Communication Functions

In 1948, communication theorist Harold Lasswell began to consider the structure and role of communication in society. He even wrote a paper titled "The Structure and Function of Communication in Society." How we communicate using today's modern technologies is more vital than ever. The communication pyramid is topped by mass communications. Simply put, the functions of mass communication are to inform, educate, entertain, and persuade. Mass communication is the process through which an individual, a group of individuals, or an organization disseminates information to a large number of people using various modes of mass communication such as television , radio, billboards, newspapers , articles, or even journals. Mass Communication is usually divided into two parts: sender and receiver. Here, in terms of mass communication, the term "sender" refers to a large organization or a professional that works in the communication business and is usually ass

How Studio Lighting for Photography Helps

The quality of light, how it falls on your subject and the effect it produces are all determined by lighting. If you're not paying attention to this, you could be seriously missing out on the opportunity to create stunning images worthy of a magazine cover. Introduction to Photography Lighting Lighting is one of the most important, but least understood, concepts in photography. We'll demystify lighting and show you how to use it to create stunning photos. So whether you're just getting started in photography, or you've been shooting for years, this guide on lighting is sure to help you take your photos to the next level. 3 Types of Lighting in Photography The main and most significant topic to comprehend in the realm of photography is the type of lighting. It can have a big impact on the overall look and feel of your photos. 1. Natural Light The light that comes from the sun or from other sources like fireplaces and lamps is called natural light .

Crime Reporting: The First Form of Journalism

The word "journalism" is derived from the French word "journal," meaning "daily." Crime reporting in journalism involves the release of crime news, or information to the public. Crime reporting in journalism consists of printed or broadcast journalistic pieces containing detailed information about criminal activity. What is Crime Reporting Crime reporting is the first form of journalism. It is the act of writing and publishing stories about crime. Crime reporters are often the first to arrive at the scene of a crime, and they work to get the story out to the public as quickly as possible. In many cases, crime reporters can write about crimes that have not yet been solved, which can help lead to tips and arrests. Why Crime Reporting Journalism Crime is a universal concern and stories about crime capture our attention like no other type of story. It also provides an important service to the public and keeps us informed about what is going

Importance of Communication Skills for Mass Communication Students

Good communication skills are vital in any stream of students as they give them not only a great start in their career, but can also help them excel in their professional and personal life aspects. For mass communication students, it becomes essential to have great communication skills as their career will involve conveying a message effectively to a massive audience. This cannot be possible if your communication skill is weak or average. Major reasons to cultivate excellent communication skills if you are a mass communication student. 1. Spread the message After completing a mass communication and journalism degree, you can choose any career line that interests you the most as there are so many options to choose from. But, in any segment, you will need to convey a point whether directly like an RJ or a scriptwriter or indirectly like a film producer or event manager. If your communication skills are not up to the mark, you will not be able to spread the message to

What are Tips for Writing a Radio Commercial

Radio ads are as short as just 30 seconds and that also come in between interesting talks of RJs or rhythmic music beats. It would also have no visuals to engage the audience. This makes it difficult to grab attention and increase sales for your product. But, if the radio commercial writer can succeed in writing charismatic radio commercials, then they are likely to succeed in converting goals even by running 30 second long ads. Writing radio commercials is an art, but there are some tips that you can follow to create the real magic that you expect. 1. Define USP to Hone on It As you don’t have too much time, it is necessary to identify the USP of your product or offering to hone in on it. In case, if your product has more than one USP, then also you need to distinguish only one out of all that can touch your audience and use it in your radio commercial. 2. Highlight the Pain and Offering To hit the bull’s eye, you need to know the pain your audience might be facin

Making a Career as a Voice-Over Artist in India

 We are surrounded by different voices in our lives. When we are boarding a train or a metro to commute to work, or calling a helpline number, we hear certain pleasant and engaging 54 voices. These voices belong to voice over artists. A voice over artist or a voice over actor is a person who lends his/her voice to movies, commercials, audiobooks, television shows, documentaries, animations, and e-learning programs. A voice over is either done by dubbing a character like the one we see in movies that are translated to another language or by becoming the original voice of a character. A voice over actor associates his/her voice with a particular character. If you have an amazing voice, it is just the beginning of a prospective and bright career in voice over. Your lovely voice could help you earn a lot of money as a voice over artist. Prerequisites to Become a Voice Over Artist The main eligibility to become a voice over artist is a good and clear voice. Also, t

How to Become Automobile Journalist

Journalism is one of the gigantic fields and it has several branches. Automotive journalism is an interesting field for those who love cars, bikes, and other automotive vehicles. In fact, there is a whole new spectrum of facts to be covered in the automobile industry by automobile journalists. As the number of car lovers, racers, and types of cars and other vehicles (from normal cars to electric cars, solar cars, etc.) is hitting the market, there are so many rising opportunities in the automotive journalism field. If you want to become an automotive journalist, here is what you need to know to make your successful career in this branch of mass communication and journalism. 1. Learn Automobile Journalism To become a successful automotive journalist, you need to have the fundamental knowledge of the following: What is Automotive journalism? How does this industry work? How to get the best news? How to find reliable sources of news? What to cover in your repor

Difference Between Journalism and Blogging

Blogging and journalism are two separate fields, which often leave students confused. Always remember that a blogger cannot do journalism. However, a journalist can also be a blogger. After a master in mass communication and journalism , many students get confused with selection to be a blogger or journalist. To help you make a clear difference, here we have compared blogging and journalism: Blogging is more informal while journalism is a more formal style of writing. To write a blog, you may not need any collective evidence, evaluation of information, etc. But, to write an article in the field of journalism; you have to evaluate information, source of information, and authentication of the information. A blog can be written on any website or one can even create his own blog and doesn’t need any formal education like a master in mass communication and journalism. Journalists write news for authorized print or online media. The news and media houses that distribute

Benefits of Doing Masters in Mass Communication

Mass communication and journalism fields have gained massive popularity in India and worldwide due to numerous perks of having a successful career in this industry. The best mass communication and journalism college offer various courses in this field. The experts suggest pursuing a master in mass communication degree due to the host of advantages it offers. Let’s explore the top benefits of pursuing a Master in Journalism and Mass Communication degree: 1. Added Stars to your profile As the opportunities are increasing in this industry, competition is also increasing. Many students with a diploma and degree certificates apply for the jobs. If you have completed master in mass communication, you are more likely to get better opportunities by having added stars to your profile and resume. 2. Missing experience won’t be a problem You can pursue a master in mass communication and journalism after any graduate course, be it B.Com, B.A., etc. A master degree

Social Media Halo Effect Benefits Marketers

 Have you heard, “The first impression is the last impression”? That explains the Halo effect at its best. The halo effect is a human tendency of assuming and relating certain traits to the person based on the first impression. It means when you see a good looking woman, you connect some traits to her unlike relating traits to a woman with a messy appearance. The same applies to the social media halo effect. What is the Social Media Halo Effect? The social media halo effect is a kind of psychological marketing. It creates an impression about a person or brand on social media depending on the posts you publish, and the quality of graphics, video, and content. Depending on the first appearance, the social media users or followers make some assumptions and correlate some traits to the person or business. This can be positive marketing or negative marketing. Social Media Halo Effect Benefits Marketers Create a Professional Brand The social media halo e

Agricultural Journalism – A Unique Career Option in India

When we speak about the media, specifically journalism, there are various career paths an individual can take. One of them is agricultural journalism. What is Agricultural Journalism? Agricultural journalism is a specialised area of study that covers a wide range of subjects related to agricultural research, food, fodder, processing, nutrition, marketing, health, and consumption of agricultural products. Just like other traditional courses, agricultural journalists receive professional training, so that they understand the agricultural system thoroughly. It is a great career option for students who like outdoor work, enjoy interacting with people, and have strong communication skills. Agricultural journalism is a career which offers a plethora of options. An agricultural journalist can pursue a career as a news writer, editor, news reporter, technical writer, and others. He/she can have career opportunities in newspapers, magazines, government agencies, ra

MJMC: Career Scope and Job Opportunities

MJMC ( Master of Journalism and Mass Communication ) is one of the most popular postgraduate degrees in India for mass communication students and aspiring mass communication professionals. Anyone that wants to excel in his career in mass communication with further studies can pursue a master in mass communication with MJMC. About MJMC It is a 2 year long course for students interested in mass communication. It covers an understanding of media channels and journalism in India. Any stream graduate can join the master of journalism and mass communication course. This course covers practical exposure and theory comprehension on different aspects related to mass communication and journalism such as Communication Creative writing Editing Reporting in journalism Radio communication This course for a master in mass communication can be used as a gateway to further studies for a PhD. Alternatively, students can start their careers by joining an int

A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words Interpretation for Aspiring Artists

 A Norway based theatre director and playwright, Henrik Ibsen, had coined this popular proverb, ”A picture is worth a thousand words”. It is difficult to justify what this proverb essentially preaches, but we all have acknowledged a commonly accepted interpretation of it. A simple interpretation of this proverb is that thousands of knotty and intricate ideas can be reflected with just one (relevant) picture. When a picture is taken righteously, it does not need any storytelling with lots of hashtags and tags as we frequently witness in the noisy world of social media. Of course, many people are on social media for likes, comments, shares, and other forms of engagement to boost their artwork. But, if we look at the real meaning of art, then it universally claims that art doesn’t need explanation and if it needs explanation, it is not the right form of art. An artistic photographer captures moments so beautifully that with a single glance of that picture, a majority

Journalism in Cinema – What Does It Really Mean

Film journalism is a type of journalism that involves the combination of powerful writing skills coupled with the latest tools and technologies to create reports, investigations, documentaries, and other video recorded work. The mindset The majority of the people in today’s world perceive exceptional films to be fiction stories. Youngsters of today’s generation love to watch a fictional movie of an event taking place. However, these youngsters won’t watch the same event being shown on the news. Cinema and gaming are dominating the young minds of today. Several people have been quite decisive or sceptical about cinema journalism and selecting it as a career option. Cinema is a preferred medium for everyone In comparison to other image or video forms, cinema is a popular medium to communicate a message to the audience, which has increased the popularity of film journalism as well. The drama and unfolding of the mysteries really captivate the mind of view

6 Most Demanding Career Options in Media Industry

  The media landscape has been shaping its career opportunity curve to create a positive impact. With the introduction of some new technologies and trends, more and more career opportunities are forking in the media industry.   Let’s explore the top vocational career options for graduates of the best mass media colleges in Gujarat . 1. Journalist The traditional yet booming career option in the media industry is journalism and reporting. Any mass media college provides courses in mass communication and journalism to let you provide a stepping stone as a journalist. There are multiple fields and roles as a journalist and you can choose the one that excites you the most. Salary package: Ranges from 1.30 lakh to 10 lakh per annum 2. Public Relation Another lucrative career option for students of the best mass media colleges in Gujarat is PRO (Public Relations Officer). You can become a PRO of a politician, celebrity, businessman, corporate company, organization, etc. The P

Why Sound Design Is Crucial in Film Production

  A nice film is a perfect amalgamation of multiple factors like actors, story, production design, cinematography, sound, etc. Sound is a very vital element to make a movie that people relate to and love to watch.   If you really want to understand the worth of sound in a movie, simply remove the audio part from the movie and you will realize the real vitality of sound in any audio, visual production. When we talk about sound, we not only talk about dialogues, but the sound other than that is also very important. Let’s explore how sound design has proven itself as a crucial element in audio, visual production: Add Clarity and Pragmatism Usually, the sound recorded in real life during production doesn’t hold much clarity due to multiple factors disturbing the whole mood of the scene. A sound designer is responsible for making these sound bites clear by eliminating noise from the whole recording. The sound design also includes recreating the sound and putting an added la

How to Rule Television Industry as an Eminent Media Personality

Top-notch media people enjoy name, fame, money, and many other awesome privileges. Would you like to rule the television industry by becoming a successful and distinguished media person like Arnab Goswami, Barkha Gutt, Rajdeep Sardesai, Vinod Dua, etc.?   From joining one of the best colleges in India for mass communication to building a personality, there is much you need to know. We will share all the important information in this article. 1. Start With The Right Education To become a media person, you need to have the right degree in mass communication and journalism. There are also some specialization courses. You must join the best college for journalism and mass communication in India . It will not only give you the best education, but also serve as your career builder by giving you the right exposure and a campus job. 2. Have The Right Attitude Becoming a famous media person may seem like an easy job, but it really demands hard work. From running for stories t

7 Ways Mass Communication can Shape your Career in 2022

If presentation, communication, or writing is something you enjoy, then making your career in the mass communication industry by joining the best journalism college in India is the right choice. You can have a flourishing career and multiple career options to choose from. 1. Journalism After pursuing mass communication and journalism from one of the best media colleges in India, you can make your career in the journalism industry. You can choose to become a news writer, news editor , reporter, news anchor , photojournalist or news editor. You also have an option to choose in which field you want to work like politics, current affairs, social economy, entertainment, etc. 2. Film If you are keener towards the entertainment industry, you can pursue relevant courses in the best college for journalism and mass communication in India . You can choose to make your career as a film director, scriptwriter , etc. You can take any role over pre-production, product