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Journalism in Cinema – What Does It Really Mean

Film journalism is a type of journalism that involves the combination of powerful writing skills coupled with the latest tools and technologies to create reports, investigations, documentaries, and other video recorded work.

The mindset

  • The majority of the people in today’s world perceive exceptional films to be fiction stories.
  • Youngsters of today’s generation love to watch a fictional movie of an event taking place. However, these youngsters won’t watch the same event being shown on the news.
  • Cinema and gaming are dominating the young minds of today.
  • Several people have been quite decisive or sceptical about cinema journalism and selecting it as a career option.

Cinema is a preferred medium for everyone

  • In comparison to other image or video forms, cinema is a popular medium to communicate a message to the audience, which has increased the popularity of film journalism as well.
  • The drama and unfolding of the mysteries really captivate the mind of viewers.

The existing news has its own set of drawbacks

  • In the digital age that we live in, both news and journalism have their own flaws and gaps.
  • Although journalism has come a long way with the advancement of technology, society has become too selective about what they want to watch.
  • The news that we see on television is a construction of the actual event that has taken place and that is true for film journalism as well.
  • In order to overcome the negative points like war, crime, etc., there emerged the need for journalism in cinema.
  • It keeps the audience entertained with facts related to their favourite actors, movies, etc.
Interesting Isn't it?


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