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Today’s Modern Theory on Mass Communication Functions

In 1948, communication theorist Harold Lasswell began to consider the structure and role of communication in society. He even wrote a paper titled "The Structure and Function of Communication in Society."

How we communicate using today's modern technologies is more vital than ever. The communication pyramid is topped by mass communications. Simply put, the functions of mass communication are to inform, educate, entertain, and persuade. Mass communication is the process through which an individual, a group of individuals, or an organization disseminates information to a large number of people using various modes of mass communication such as television, radio, billboards, newspapers, articles, or even journals. Mass Communication is usually divided into two parts: sender and receiver.

Here, in terms of mass communication, the term "sender" refers to a large organization or a professional that works in the communication business and is usually associated with an entity that gives information to the recipient. The receiver, who is the audience watching the content, must then decode it, which is just translating a signal.

Functions Of Mass Communication


Mass communication exists to observe and inform. The media keeps citizens informed of current events and news. In times of crisis, public service announcements provide warnings, information, and directives. Surveillance of the environment is a more complex way of saying that one of the functions of mass communications is to inform you about what's going on in the world and to communicate that information to you. Surveillance refers to the coverage of a wide range of relevant societal problems. Newspaper articles detailing political decisions, foreign journalists reporting on wars in distant places, and emergency alert systems transmitted over our radio waves are examples of this.

Today, we have more news sources than ever before. Some of these have permanently transformed how traditional media outlets such as newspapers and television stations convey news to us. Whereas we used to turn on our televisions to watch details on a live police chase, we can now watch these same broadcasts on social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Don't forgets about the internet. Almost anything you want to know is accessible with a simple click, removing the need for many to watch the six o'clock news.


Traditional news organizations were historically the sole arbiters of what was considered noteworthy and how broadcasters and journalists understood information. Alternatively, newspapers consulted subject matter experts. Although publishers and news outlets have their own biases, most companies stuck to the tried-and-true standards of journalism.

Today's social media platforms, such as Twitter and Facebook, may show that there is frequently no middleman who can correlate events objectively and interpretatively. Users may be given far-fetched tales that appear to be "actual news" when, in fact, they are anything.

Interesting Isn't it?


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