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4 Important Purpose of Mass Communication

In today's world, mass communication is very important. Its existence is similar to the presence of air in the environment. We can't imagine living in a world without mass communication. The process of transmitting or sending information to a large group of individuals via numerous means is known as mass communication. Social media, advertising, public relations, newspapers, radio, television, and other forms of communication are examples of channels of communication.

The purpose of mass communication is not only to communicate and provide information to users, but it also has other goals or objectives. The purpose of advertising is to use mass media to promote a specific message about a company's product or service. As a result, understanding the goal of mass media is essential for understanding the purpose of advertising. In general, mass media can be used to achieve four distinct goals.

Purpose Of Mass Communication


First and foremost, one of the most fundamental purposes of the media is to inform the audience. When employed in this manner, mass media can be incredibly powerful. This is frequently the first action taken by advertisements. People must grasp what your product or service is and how it can improve their lives before they purchase it. A newspaper breaking a news piece or a television commercial detailing the menu options at a restaurant are two examples of media informing an audience.


Second, another purpose of mass media is to persuade. This could simply mean convincing someone to feel or think a certain way. It could also involve convincing someone to purchase something, as in the case of advertising. Advertisers spend a lot of time trying to persuade large groups of people to feel a certain way about a company's brand.

Interesting Isn't it?

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