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What are Tips for Writing a Radio Commercial

Radio ads are as short as just 30 seconds and that also come in between interesting talks of RJs or rhythmic music beats. It would also have no visuals to engage the audience. This makes it difficult to grab attention and increase sales for your product. But, if the radio commercial writer can succeed in writing charismatic radio commercials, then they are likely to succeed in converting goals even by running 30 second long ads.

Writing radio commercials is an art, but there are some tips that you can follow to create the real magic that you expect.

1. Define USP to Hone on It

As you don’t have too much time, it is necessary to identify the USP of your product or offering to hone in on it. In case, if your product has more than one USP, then also you need to distinguish only one out of all that can touch your audience and use it in your radio commercial.

2. Highlight the Pain and Offering

To hit the bull’s eye, you need to know the pain your audience might be facing, and which USP of your product can resolve. You can work backwards like writing the solution based on the USP and then defining the major issues. Distinguish the major one or two pain points that can make your USP more highlighted.

3. Add Empathy to Your Radio Commercial

The next step is to write the commercial. You must think about dialogues that you want to add to your commercial to clutch and engage listeners. Your ad must have an empathy factor to get the best results from your ads.

Interesting Isn't it?

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