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What is New Media in Mass Communication

Methods of media and communications have evolved to a great extent since age of early cavemen to recent new media that is social media, email etc. With the discovery of new equipment and technology, the advancements in gadgets are happening. In olden times, the news was spread by mouth and later by Radio, newspaper and recently TV.
New Media Communication can be described as the advancements that have been made in the old and traditional techniques with the passage of time. We have seen a lot of advancements in recent time. Some of them would be the advancement of an old telephone into a mobile, a large desktop into a laptop that can fit into your bag and many more. Now a days you can access the world with internet in a small device. For mass communication, in the 2000’s news, advertisements in newspaper or TV, flexes on roads etc. were used. Now as the times change the advancements has also been improved. The new media is nothing different from the old media with just the difference is the platform.

What are Classified as New Media?

With the people moving into the electronic age, more people are communicating in cyberspace not only to access more information but also to create a reality of their own. The main raging New Media Communicationthat is trending currently are:
• Internet Telephony
• Web Sites including Blogs
• Hypertext Fiction
• Virtual Worlds
• Email
• Podcast
• Electronic kiosks
• Mobile
With just one click, the marketing with the new media can be approached to a lot of people. When compared to the old media, the new media has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Here are some of the flaws and pros of the new media.

Pros and Cons of New Media in Mass Communication

Advantages of New Media

1. Everyone is on Social Media: A lot of people use social media to pass time, stay connected, and get advertised to. So a lot number of people can get to know about your product.
2. Easy Access: this mode of mass communication is the best in recent times because of the ease in its access. The marketers can promote it from a single spot and the audience can even come to know about it without going
3. Cost Effective: The new media communication is more cost effective as when compared to the old media. You can put your hard earned money as much as your budget permits.
4. Target Audience: You can decide the target audience for whom you want your products to have to be reached.

Disadvantages of New Media

The only disadvantage can be found is as follows…
1. Cannot be Reliable: the media is a large space and a lot of frauds happen around. This makes the people to think twice or reject at the first glance even though your product is good and much reliable.
NIMCJ is the leading Mass Communication and Journalism Institute in India based out in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. Visit for more information.
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