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What is the Importance of Mass Communication in Media?

What is Mass Communication?

Mass communication is defined as the communication meant for a large number of individuals living in cities and villages. It is a powerful way to reach out to the common people within a few seconds. It serves in transmitting and conveying the public information and messages to a large number of individuals from time to time. In fact, it becomes the necessary medium to convey information in its most lucid form. It comes in the most common form of language that is the language of a common individual!

Purposes of Mass Communication

There are many purposes of mass communication. Good information is shared with the society. The themes and topics may range from climate, science, technology, politics, entertainment, news and events, etc. There are many opinions covered on daily basis and associated with our country and other parts of the world. One must know them and it is through the mass communication that there is a flow of the information. There are many changes perceived in the individuals due to mass communication. Various circulations and publications are made for different government policies in the country. Various programs on awareness and sensitization of delicate issues and topics are covered under this umbrella of communication.

It is great to know that pleasure and entertainment is provided by mass communication. One may establish their contacts and build a strong network on social media pages and create a good number of linkages for themselves. It is good to know that mass communication helps us in facing disasters and calamities. It really spreads the news and help in various ways is reached out to help the needy and desired individuals. It even highlights the diplomatic roles of the politicians and ministers. It helps in branding and promotions for various companies and organizations.

The importance of the mass communication may be underlined in the following manner:

1. Spreads the information through newspapers, news channels, radio, television
2. Creates job opportunities for various individuals
3. Educates people about various topics and helps in gaining the knowledge
4. Helps in fighting against wrong things taking place in the society
5. Creates awareness amongst the individuals
6. Creates unity in diversity
7. Helps in branding and promoting
8. Helps in advertising for many companies and organizations
9. Sensitizes the information by reaching out to the general public
10. To satisfy the daily needs by providing entertainment in both painful and pleasure manner
11. Helps in decision making
12. Helps in the development of the country in various ways and modes to conveys the messages to the common person

To know about the exclusive mass communication course and their specialization course like Print JournalismRadio JournalismElectronic Media and Public Relations, you can get in touch with NIMCJ.


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