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Showing posts from February, 2023

Differentiating Factors Between Blog and Article

You're not alone if you're confused about the differences between blog posts and articles. While many individuals use these concepts interchangeably, blogs and articles are distinct entities. Knowing each one's position can help you clear up many questions before enrolling in a journalism college in India . An article and a blog have two distinct writing styles. Here is how both of them line up against each other taking into consideration different parameters of comparison. Viewpoint A blog post is frequently written in the first person, with the pronouns I or we. This fits with the blog's narrative structure: you're having a discussion with the viewers, explaining an experience. Although scientific publications may employ the first-person plural, most articles are written in the third person (we). This stresses the author's neutrality as facts and rational arguments are presented. The Writing Style Articles are formal, professional, and a

Understanding Lead and Its Types in Journalism

If you want to study journalism at the best journalism college in India, you should be familiar with the fundamentals of the field. One of them is the lead in journalism. What is the Lead in Journalism? A lead is an initial paragraph or multiple paragraphs of a story, whether it's a blog or a lengthy story. Its goal is to pique readers' interest and draw them in. The remainder of the story's job is to get them fully interested; the role of the lead paragraph is to bring them there. The lead, or first paragraph, of a news item, is the most crucial element. With so many information sources—magazines, journals, newspapers, TV, radio, and the world wide web—consumers are just unwilling to go past the first paragraph (or even line) of a story unless it provokes their interest according to the top mass communication and journalism colleges in India . That is exactly what a good lead does. It conveys the most crucial information to readers in a clear, succinct an