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Impact of COVID 19 on Indian Journalism

Similar to many other industries, the COVID 19 has affected the news and media industry as well. Many sectors faced all the negative impacts, but journalism is the only industry, which faced both negative and positive impacts due to the COVID 19 outbreak.

This pandemic has hit the global journalism industry as per the statement issued by the best journalism college in India, but India has a completely different story to tell. India has unique challenges; therefore, COVID-19's impact on Indian journalism is quite unique in its own way.

Let’s explore the top aspects that were impacted majorly by the COVID 19 outbreak in India.

1. Job Opportunities Increased

  • The pandemic has made many people jobless. In India, more than 55% of the population is the middle class that highly relies on the monthly salary. Due to the COVID 19 outbreak, many people end up losing jobs in India and survival became tough for them.

  • The COVID-19's impact on Indian journalism was quite different in terms of a job. Yes, the local publication may have removed some staff, but many media houses and newsrooms hired more staff.

  • Local journalists received the chance of getting a job in popular news channels and other organizations in the news industry.

  • There is so much happening in India, which made many headlines: from migrants walking to their natives to election rallies, locals breaking safety guidelines, longest lockdown, and much more.

  • As per the best journalism college in India, the COVID 19 outbreak in India increased the need of talented journalists. It has also increased career opportunities.

2. Health Risks Increased

  • Journalists working in the field need to face many health risks such as the risk of COVID 19 infection, exhaustive travelling from one place to another, and giving the ground report.

  • Even on-premises team of newspapers, news channels and other media houses need to work extra hours.

Interesting Isn't it?
Continue reading from here: Impact of COVID 19 on Indian Journalism


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