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Showing posts from December, 2020

Art of Writing News by Following Inverted Pyramid of Journalism

Journalism is a complicated job because journalists need to project information, which causes the expected impact on the readers. At the same time, the news should not sound repetitive or miss any important fact or mould it otherwise. For effective writing in journalism, the inverted pyramid is a really popular style. All popular  journalism and mass communication colleges in India  cover this style of writing in detail. To make it easy to understand for you, we will briefly explain what the inverted pyramid is in journalism. This writing technique follows a downward order of its significance. Moreover, it focuses on 5 Ws and 1 H: Who What When Where Why How According to popular  journalism and mass communication colleges in India  when journalists use the inverted pyramid technique to write the news, they segment it into three different layers and write it accordingly. These three layers are explained briefly hereunder: Lead The first part of the inverted pyramid is called a lead. Thi

Advertisement in the Indian Market: Importance and Effective Techniques

  In simple words, an   advertisement   is a form of promoting ideas, products, services, etc. Usually, various platforms for mass communication get used to getting more exposure to the ads. This is necessary to deliver better returns to the sponsors paying for the advertisements. According to a leading advertising institute in India, advertisement holds significant importance in the Indian market to benefit businesses, consumers, and other aspects. Some of the facts shared by different  mass communication colleges in Ahmedabad  to prove the worth of advertisement are listed hereunder: · To disseminate information · To create demand · To reduce cost related to the middlemen and other mediators · To connect to the direct buyers · To increase sales · To build a stronger relationship with existing customers · To build a known brand · To reduce expenses · To alert customers and target audiences about imitators · And more Advertising in India is an industry, which has also created several j