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Showing posts from April, 2019

5 Insider Facts On Crime Reporting You Ought To Know

Crime Reporting  is a field of journalism that helps you wash off some of the colors from your life-viewing lenses, to let you see clearer.  Crime Reporting  lets you inch closest towards some of the most gruesome and often baffling actions of humans. You understand the capacity of a human mind and the things it can think of and do. “Better a good journalist than a poor assassin.” ― Jean-Paul Sartre Many crime reporters around the globe have reached stardom because of the accounts of their sensational crimes, for example, the Bofors scandal that broke in 1987, reported by Chitra Subramaniam-Duella and N. Ram for The Hindu. If you think  crime reporting  is a field you should go for because you love binge watching Law and Order and Criminal Minds, you might want to take a halt and read on some of the insider knowledge of the field: You are Not the Hero of the Story! Well, we are the hero of our own stories, but when it comes to reporting on an ongoing criminal case

What are the advantages of advertising in print media

Any idea when takes to the extreme bites itself. The  Advertising institutes  and its methodologies are not immune to that adage. People have been running with almost blindness to the new digital era for their advertising campaigns and there's nothing wrong with that. But what if we tell you that that's not the best way to get all the  advantages of advertisement  you can get.   Better ROI, better conversions are derived when we use mix media in advertising. The old techniques were wise and they should not be forgotten,   Print media  has been the sole proprietor of branding for many centuries until the mobile phones came.   It's time we stop and think for a while.   In this article, we will discuss how  Print Media  can help you get the  advantages of advertisement  better. 1. Attention Span Social media Giants hire attention engineers to make patrons stick the phone screen for a longer period of time, so we'll see more ads and thus with an increase in

On The Spot Admissions - NIMCJ

We value your time, we know it is difficult. Students have it the hardest, especially the ones at the stepping stones of their career. Figuring out the path they want to take academically, searching for the right university, acknowledging the possibility of relocating to a different city or a state for the first time, future prospects of the field of choice are hardcore life decisions that kids have to take. Well, we at NIMCJ - mass communication and journalism institute believe in a holistic approach to things. We have cultivated a warm management system that suffices all the needs smartly on our end and more importantly on the aspiring student’s end. NIMCJ proffers a Post Graduate Diploma in Mass Communication and Journalism with specialization in film making, print media, electronic media , radio journalism , etc. Read Full and Originally Published Blog at NIMCJ