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6 Tips on How to Get your Digital Media Career Started

Digital media taps virtually all the businesses and industries today. If you use a computer, listen to music on your iPod, use email and own a tablet, or you “like,” “tweet,” and “share” on social media, then it can be said that you’re engaging with digital media. It’s omnipotent and omnipresent and so are digital media courses (online and offline).
At NIMCJ, a center for Digital Media Education in Gujarat we’ve compiled requisites for you that will help you kick-start your Digital Marketing career after having a degree.
​1) The vigour to be eager
The digital marketing industry is both incredibly competitive and fast growing. It is simple for businesses to distinguish between aspirants who have the willingness to learn, and who are here for a long ride. This industry requires passion and a desire to reach the aspired needs.
2)Be Efficient
Find your niche, and be very clear on them so that you can articulate them succinctly to your prospective client outlining how they can satiate the employer’s needs. This being an entrepreneurial industry so by that very nature you will have to be high in openness and adjustability. Along with that, you should also be a university graduate. Be a good balance of soft skills and hard skills.
3) Find an Anchor within
When it comes to a digital media career or any career, in that case, you must be very clear in your niches and the opportunities they will lay out for you. That is to say the broadly related disciplines too.
For example: if you are inclined to write poetry, you can get a job as a content writer or copywriter or an editor for a magazine. After the adequate experience (digital media courses online proffer certificates that are very helpful), you can get a better position in the said field or a branch of the same.
4) Think as Many Steps further as you can
This is the step you need to take after having gotten a degree in digital media. Before you approach a digit media or mass communication company make sure that you have fully researched the following things:
  1. See the work they have done previously. Because action speaks louder than words. Check it out in detail. Look at what they put emphasis on, their work ethics and work methodology. See if you’ll be comfortable with most of the criterion.
  2. Done some investigation on to the personal social media profiles of key individuals in the business. If they have personal blogs, read them. This kind of information gives you leverage over other candidates and also helps you get the best out of your meet with them.
  3. Also spent some time on their website. A website usually explains the what why and how of a company.
5) Be Articulate
You could be a genius, holding a library of knowledge in your head but what does it account too if you don’t deliver it? The deliverance is done through speaking and writing. In the field of digital media you only can spread a message through your words and speech, you can’t afford to be less articulated.
It also important to select the mode of communication. The phone is the best because it is less prone to misinterpretation. Emails are more or less often ignored or missed by people with busy schedules. So whenever possible get on the phone and ask to speak to people directly.
6) Learn How To Be Treated Fairly
Be vocal about what you want. For that you should first know in a very clear manner what do you want and why do you deserve it (a little market research is needed to see how people with similar skills are getting paid) After your brand has been made in digital media you can ask for more compensation.
All successful giants now have started from somewhere similar. You should go forward with a balance between not asking much and also not settle for things so less that they make you feel uncomfortable.
To conclude, compromises are necessary but make sure never to make compromises that you feel are unfair to your skillset.
We hope these points will help you through out in your digital media career in Gujarat, India or anywhere in the world.


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