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Showing posts from August, 2023

What is Ethics in Journalism

In today's fast-paced world of information dissemination. Journalism influences public opinion and offers insights into global events. This influential position comes with a set of ethical responsibilities. That guides journalists in their pursuit of truth and transparency. In this blog, we will delve into the world of journalism ethics. Exploring the core principles, codes of conduct, and real-world scenarios. That underlines the importance of ethical journalism. What are Ethics in Journalism? Ethics in journalism refers to moral principles and guidelines. That governs the conduct of journalists in their pursuit of news and information. Ethical journalism navigates the fine line between press freedom and responsibility. Unbiased content delivery ensures the public with truthful, fair, and respectful information. Learn About Journalism Ethics As aspiring journalists, it's essential to understand the ethical framework. That guides the profession. Here are so

National Journalism Day

National Journalism Day is celebrated on 17th of November in India. A day of recognition and appreciation for the relentless efforts of journalists. Who dedicate their lives to uncovering truth, reporting stories, and shaping public discourse. This moment offers a chance to delve into the heart of journalism. Its evolution and significance hold in today's globalized world. Evolution of Journalism The 1956 Press Commission forms a committee to protect journalism ethics. That upholds press freedom in India. This vision materialized a decade later with the creation of the Press Council. The primary goal was to protect press freedom. Enhancing and maintaining journalistic standards in the country. The Press Council of India is a mandated body covering the full range of the print media sector. It exercises jurisdiction over all print media in India. The Council oversees print media conduct and acts as a regulatory authority. Its role encompasses upholding the utmost