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Showing posts from August, 2021

Writing Techniques for Television and Radio News

The news written for television and radio is referred to as broadcast news. The reason is that the news gets broadcast. Unlike print media where consumers have a chance to read and digest news at their own pace, television and radio news get broadcast with industry standards. That is why writing a television or radio news story is different from print news writing. The students that learn journalism from a renowned mass communication college in Ahmedabad learn effective news writing techniques from experts. In this blog post, we will share some of the top tips for writing an effective television or radio news story. Write For The Ear The first thing that mass communication college in Ahmedabad focuses on while teaching broadcast news writing is to understand the true meaning of writing for ears. The television and radio news story broadcast will not give chance to read a sentence again or find the meaning of some words that are difficult to understand. Even in the te

Top Reasons Print Journalism Still Matters

In this digital era, people have news at their fingertips. Social media channels like Twitter, Facebook, etc. have been one of the fastest sources of news. Within a few minutes of an incident, the news goes viral on social networking sites. Still, print media is popular and it is here to stay. Not only this, but the print journalism course is also quite popular among aspiring journalists. In this article, we will explore the major reasons behind the massive popularity of print media and print journalism in 2021. 1. Credibility Social media and in some cases, digital media may publish news without verifying the source and credibility of the news. However, any news coverage in print media gets published after going through different stages such as a journalist, writer, editor, chief editor, publisher, etc. All of these executives usually complete their studies at the best journalism college in Ahmedabad. The news that gets published in print media goes through a thor