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Showing posts from January, 2021

What Is Radio Production and Difference Between Radio and Podcasting?

Radio is one of the major entertainment elements in India and worldwide. There are many people who choose to join a radio jockey course in Ahmedabad. It is good to become an RJ, but there are many career options available to people with a good voice or people interested in joining the radio. In this blog, we will share some important information, which will help you choose the right course and career. What is Radio Production? To decide whether you want to take one of the courses for radio jokey or any other option, you need to know how radio shows are made. The process of making a radio show is called radio production. It contains four important components: Script Voice Sound effects and Music A person with wit and a good voice can definitely become a successful RJ, but this is not the only option. With the growing use of the internet, you can also choose to become a podcaster. Yes, the skills you learned in the radio jockey course in Ahmedabad can help you drive a successful career a