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Showing posts from October, 2020

Traditional Media vs. Social Media Similarities and Differences

  Traditional media and social media are not new terms for us. However, the question is: Do you really know the difference between both of these types of media? Well, some of you would say yes, why not! Traditional media means newspapers, magazines, radio, TV, etc. On the other hand, social media means social networking sites like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc. However, the fact is different. The real meaning of social media can be understood only if you divide the word into two words: Social  implies people socializing with each other (professionally or personally) Media  implies a platform(s) on or using which people socialize. It means traditional media and modern media aka social networking sites, both can be considered as social media to some extent. However, each type of traditional media is not social media. To clear the confusion, we are articulating this blog on the topic of  traditional media vs. social media . Social media sites can be referred to as modern media. Howev

How to Become an Influential Orator

An influential communicator, also called an orator, possesses an art of disseminating information in the most effective manner. Good communication skills can not only help you ace in your career, but it also opens the doors of a new career opportunity as a public speaker. To become a good orator, you can join a mass communication institute to cultivate all essential communication skills. To help you sharpen the skills, here are the top tips to become a successful and influential orator. 1. Play with your voice V oice and spoken skills are really important for a communicator. Here are some vital tips: Watch your tone. As per the sentences and examples, change the tone of voice. Voice modulation at the right point captivates listeners and helps you win the game Watch your pace as well. According to the best mass communication institute, “Too slow pace loses interest and too fast pace is difficult to understand for audiences.” Therefore, be mindful of how fast or slow you are speaking 2.

Your Pathway to Successful Career as a Scriptwriter

  Movies are part of our lives. More than anyone, we Indians love movies. Therefore, many young people think of making their careers in the film industry. Luckily, in India, there are multiple opportunities as there is more than one industry one can attempt to make a career in such as Bollywood, south movies, Bhojpuri cinema, Gujarati film industry, etc. According to some of the best colleges for mass communication, there are many opportunities for artists in the entertainment industry and one of them is script writing. What is Script writing? It is also known as screenwriting. It is an art of building characters and crafting a story based on the given subject around these characters. It further develops dialogues for the characters. Who is a Scriptwriter? An artist who writes a script for the plot to be captured as a movie is a scriptwriter, also known as a screenwriter. The job of a scriptwriter starts with doing the groundwork to understand the given subject to write stories and the