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Showing posts from September, 2018

What is Yellow Journalism and What Are The Effects of Yellow Journalism?

Yellow Journalism   is a way of publishing news in such a format that it attracts a good number of readers with an aim to increase the circulation of the newspaper. This is a kind of   journalism   wherein the news is published without any proof. The main aim of Yellow Journalism is to gather the attention of people in society. Origin of the word/ History behind the origin: It is said that the term Yellow Journalism was first used by Erwin Wardman. He used this term to refer to the war that took place between the New York World and New York Journal. Some also argue that the term was originated from a comic strip that is believed to be published in the New York World. According to them, the main character of the comic strip used to wear a yellow-coloured shirt, hence the name Yellow Journalism. Read to know more: Yellow Journalism

6 Important Types of Beats in Journalism

There are various  types of Beats in Journalism.  Before saying anything let us for clear the difference between types and beats. Types in journalism mean different fields of journalism that are independent of each other generally, they use different pedagogy and research methods, for e.g. Investigative Journalism, Feature Writing Column Writing, etc. While beats can be called subsets of  different types of journalism , A beat is a journalism means going in-depth in any type of journalism, for e.g. Business Magazines, Weather, Computer Virus Alerts, Entertainment, TV Network Schedules, Local News Resources, Government Directories, Horoscopes, Money, Personal Health Site, Politics, PR Newswires, Social Media, Sports News and much more. The term ‘beat’ is referred to as the way or road taken by an individual on a regular basis. In journalism, the word ‘ Beat ’ is also referred to as the niche which is appointed to the reporter. 1. Political Reporting Political Journalism is a ver

NIMCJ Logo and Tag Line

When we asked the director of  NIMCJ ,  Dr. Shirish Kashikar  about why they chose this name to represent the college and its logo as well as its tagline, he replied, “This is not a logo, but a letter design to brand NIMCJ. But now a day’s people are using it as a logo. NIMCJ had hired an agency to design this logo way back in 2007. After scanning 10–15 letter designing idea’s they zeroed on the current one”. “It was a collective decision by the trusties and the director”. ‘ J ’ in NIMCJ pattern symbolizes a pen which is an identity of a journalist. After the design was finalized the designing team requested the trusties to give this design a tag line. For which the trusties came up with the tag line “ Freedom of Expression ”, which reflects Article 19 (1) a and also is the base of journalism. This design has become the logo of NIMCJ and is also used for its branding. On further questioning we were told by the director that this design/logo has been sent for registration an

What Kind of Future Does This Digital Age Allow for Journalism

The history of the Journalism has observed many changes from time to time due to many reasons in India. However, in the contemporary India, there is yet another milestone preserved for it. Yes, the major shift in Journalism moving from online to e-journalism and immediate plunge into the  Digital Journalism . It is a boon to be involved in the study of this new branch of Journalism. What are major differences between  e-Journalism ,  Online Journalism  and  Digital Journalism ? The Major Differences are the following ones: Why is the need for journalism and why will the need prevail? There are many advantages of journalism that would make it an undying field, here are some of the salient advantages. Continuous learning is present Upgradation of new skills is present One enjoys the learning It is 24*7 learning and earning opportunities One is aware of various cases and situations taking place in the society and community There is a team work Self motivati

6 Different Types Of Journalism You Would Like To Know About

Journalism is a very broad field with a variety of ways to present your ideas or thoughts. All types of journalism are unique based on different usage of techniques to create content for different audiences and to serve a variety of purposes. Out of such a huge variety, there are 6 different types of journalism, in this article, we will briefly describe them. 6 Different Types of Journalism Print Journalism Investigative Broadcast Reviews Columns Feature writings Let’s elaborate and learn a little more about each type. 1. Photo Journalism Print journalism is the practice of investigating and reporting of events in newspaper, magazines or in printed form to a broad audience. Print journalism also covers cultural aspects of society such as arts and entertainment. Photojournalist often paired with a print journalist who takes photographs to tell the story using a medium of photographs. 2. Investigative Journalism : Investigative journalism aims to find out about the fa